Need cash now?

Cash Convenience Will Pay Cash For Your Unwanted Items Of Value . Need Cash Now But Dont Want To Lose Your Items, Ask About Our Buyback Option. Cash Convenience Will Buy Your Scrap Or Unwanted Gold. Cash A Cheque And Get The Cash Instantly! (Charges Apply)

Proof of identification required. No credit checks necessary.


We do not buy gold at scrap value only. As a retailer we can pay more for gold than just the scrap value.
Why sell it anyway if you need cash use our buyback option


A Buy Back is simply a Cash Advance.

With no Credit Checks and no form filling

Cash Convenience provide 28-day Cash Advance called a Buy Back, which you can extend each month. The Cash Advance is raised on an item of value which you Sell to us . The ownership of the item transfers to us but you are the only person who has the right to buy the item back within the 28 day period . This Cash Advance is subject to fees and charges . Proof of I.D. required i.e. Current Driver’s License or Passport and a utility bill.


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Cash for Gold

Cash Convenience has 15 years’ experience buying and selling any type of Gold.


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